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CS492(A): Machine Learning for 3D Data

Minhyuk Sung, KAIST, Spring 2022

Project Midterm Check-Ins

Submission Deadline
- 1st Check-In: Mar 2 (Mon), 23:59 KST
- 2nd Check-In: Mar 16 (Mon), 23:59 KST

Where to submit: KLMS

1st Check-In

Report toy experimental results in a write-up (up to two pages) and also describe the scope of experiments. Submit the write-up as a PDF file to KLMS.

Include the team ID, team member names, and project title in the write-up. Submit one write-up per team.

Research Track
  • Implement baseline methods (that will be compared with your method) and report the results.
  • Explain how you will compare your method with the baseline methods using which datasets and evaluation metrics. Describe what is the expected results of your method compared with them.
Development Track
  • Run the authors’ code and report the results. Check whether the outputs match the results in the paper.
  • Try to run the network training code instead of just using a pretrained model. If the results in the paper are not reproducible using the authors' training code, you may need to reconsider the project idea. Consult the instructor or TAs ASAP.
  • List up the experiments in the paper that are impossible to reproduce for some reasons (e.g., the data do not exist, too many GPUs are required, the data size is too huge). Explain why and propose ideas to substitute the experiments.

Note: The goal of the 1st check-in to check whether you have any issues with your project idea. Don't worry about the grading of 1st check-in even when you find some issues. Just report the issues (as specific as possible) and schedule a chat with the instructor or TAs.

2nd Check-In

Submit a write-up (up to two pages) as a PDF file including the followings:

  • Rewrite the timeline shown in your project proposal and color-code each item as follows:

    • Completed
    • In progress (as scheduled)
    • Delayed - Briefly explain why.
    • Have issues - Briefly explain the issues.

    Do not forget to add a brief explanation about the Delayed and Have issues cases.

  • Write an updated timeline for the remaining time.

Do not need to make a long write-up. Make it brief.


  • Late submission: 10% penalty in the project evaluation.
  • Missing components in the write-up: 5% penalty in the project evaluation.