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CS479: Machine Learning for 3D Data

Minhyuk Sung, KAIST, Fall 2023

Project Interim Report

1st report due: November 5 (Sunday), 23:59 KST
2nd report due: November 19 (Sunday), 23:59 KST
What to submit: A write-up (up to two A4 pages; shorter is preferred). No template provided.
Where to submit: OpenReview

Every team is required to submit the interim progress report twice. Make the report concise; shorter reports are preferred.

For each team, submit a write-up including the following:

  • Project title
  • Project track
  • Submission ID (assigned by OpenReview)
  • All teammate names
  • The link to the GitHub repository for your project.
  • Project progress (Refer to the project progress tab below)
  • Revised timeline
    • Write an updated timeline for the remaining time.

Project Progress

Based on the previous timeline (1st interim - the timeline in the proposal, 2nd interim - the timeline in the 1st interim), color-code each item in the timeline as follows.

  • Completed
  • In progress (as scheduled)
  • Delayed - Briefly explain why.
  • Have issues - Briefly explain the issues.

For the cases marked as Delayed or Have issues, provide a brief explanation of the problems and propose solutions.

Keep it concise; avoid creating a lengthy write-up.


  • Late submission: A 5% penalty for each late day in the project evaluation.
  • A submission with any missing items will be considered as not submitted.