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CS479: Machine Learning for 3D Data

Minhyuk Sung, KAIST, Fall 2023

Paper Review

Your course project will undergo a peer review process. Your project submission will be evaluated by at least four fellow students, along with two TAs. In return, you are expected to review and evaluate two project submissions from your peers.

In your role as a reviewer, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the baseline work of the projects you are assigned to review before conducting your assessment.

As a project submitter, you are required to create a Google Form quiz containing three questions related to the method of the baseline work. This quiz is intended to confirm that the reviewers have indeed become acquainted with the baseline work and are prepared to evaluate your project submission.

Google Form Quiz Creation

Due: November 12 (Sunday), 23:59 KST
What to submit: Google form quiz including three questions.
Where to submit: OpenReview

As a project submitter, create a Google form for each team, and submit the link on OpenReview. The Google form must include three questions.

Refer to the following link to learn how to create a quiz using Google Forms:

Create & grade quizzes with Google Forms

  • The three questions should pertain to the method and experimental results of the baseline work. Reviewers should be able to answer these questions by reading the baseline paper only, without needing to reference other papers.
  • DO NOT request a name, student ID, or email address; only request a nickname. The first item must be a nickname.
  • The questions can be in the format of Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, Dropdown, Multiple Choice Grid, or Checkbox Grid. DO NOT use short-answer or paragraph questions.
  • Include an answer key for each question. Set the points for each question to be 1 point.
  • In the "Settings" section, disable "Correct Answers" to prevent reviewers from seeing the correct answers after submitting.
  • Your quiz can be rejected based on the assessment of the question quality.


  • Late submission: A 10% penalty for each late day in the paper/project review scores.
  • A submission violating any of the rules above will be considered as not submitted.
  • Note that the quiz can be rejected based on the assessment of the question quality. The rejected quiz will be considered as not submitted.

Quiz Answering

Due: November 26 (Sunday), 23:59 KST
What to submit: A screenshot showing your nickname and perfect score.
Where to submit: GradeScope

As a reviewer, you are required to complete the quiz provided by the submitters of the project you will review. Find the quiz link on OpenReview. You need to attempt the quiz until you achieve a perfect score. Afterward, submit a screenshot displaying both your nickname and the perfect quiz score to GradeScope. Use the same nickname as the one you submitted before.

Note that you can only commence the review process after successfully completing the quiz with a perfect score. Reviews submitted before attaining this perfect score will NOT be accepted and will be considered as not submitted. This implies that if you do not submit proof of a perfect score, you will not be eligible to participate in the project peer reviews, and you will also incur an additional penalty for not participating in the review process.


  • Late submission: A 10% penalty for each late day in the paper review scores.
  • A submission violating any of the rules above will be considered as not submitted.